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The project creates the base path of the service and a string to match the proxy through the createServiceConfig function.

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The proxy is then created in the createViteProxy function based on the configuration obtained above.


Enable or disable proxies via VITE_HTTP_PROXY in the env file.

Code Location


In @/service/request/index.ts, you decide whether the URL needs to handle proxies by passing isHttpProxy to the second parameter of getServiceBaseURL, which is determined based on the environment in which the code is running in conjunction with VITE_HTTP_PROXY. You can deconstruct the request URL here by passing different parameters.

const isHttpProxy = import.meta.env.DEV && import.meta.env.VITE_HTTP_PROXY === 'Y';
const { baseURL } = getServiceBaseURL(import.meta.env, isHttpProxy);
const { otherBaseURL } = getServiceBaseURL(import.meta.env, false);


The default requested proxy match string is /proxy-default/,Suppose the address of the request is,Then the address of the local proxy obtained is http://localhost:3000/proxy-default/v1/user,When this request is sent, it matches to the proxy configuration via /proxy-default/ and forwards the request to

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