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Open source projects or works

Project Namedescribelink
peaAdopting SpringBoot3.2 + JDK21, MyBatis-Plus, SpringSecurity security framework, etc., suitable for the simple permission system developed by soybean-admin。
electron-mock-adminA Mock Api management system that helps front-end developers quickly implement interface mocks.
T-ShellA terminal emulator and SSH client with configurable command prompts.
MalusAdminA backend management framework developed based on Vue3/TypeScript/NaiveUI and NET7 & Sqlsugar. It is implemented in the most original and simplest way, with a fresh and elegant front-end, a clear and elegant backend structure, and powerful functions.
PanisAdminAdopting SpringBoot 3, SaToken, MySQL and other frameworks to develop and modify soybean-admin for the second time, adapting dynamic menu/button-level authorization. Retaining the original flavor, fresh and elegant, high-value back-end management system scaffold.

Publish under the MIT license